Turning Diversity into Prosperity
Training is a useful tool to realize inclusion in the organisation and therefor widely used. Of course it is not the only tool: be aware that trainings for diversity & inclusion only have a sustainable effect when they are applied in a broader context of focus and measures. In other words, training alone is not the answer….
Inclusive Leadership is challenging. Informal leaders can be fully involved in this too! Organise this masterclass or a workshop and offer to the participants:
- Inspiration
- Insights and knowledge
- Options to apply these in practice.
HAPPY & DIVERS pubquiz
Have fun while learning! The Happy & Diverse Pubquiz ensures that the participating teams amuse themselves, that they ask questions, find out what they do and don’t know about diversity & inclusion and of course: that there is a winning team.
Founded in 1997 by Grethe van Geffen, Seba offers 20+ years of experience with diversity & inclusion in organisations. We can oversee the developments since decades and understand quickly what is going on.
In our Diversity Shop you can find training materials and books about culture and diversity in organisations. You can order and use them yourself directly…
Find some of our videos about diversity and inclusion by following the red button Diversity Video. More videos on our youtube channel (@sebacultuur)