Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive Leadership is challenging. Informal leaders can be fully involved in this too! Organise this masterclass or a workshop and offer to the participants:

  • Inspiration
  • Insights and knowledge
  • Options to apply these in practice.

Guideline for the meet-up is the book Beyond the Difference, the importance of inclusive leadership, written by Seba director Grethe van Geffen (Nomination for Dutch Managementbook of the year 2017, published in English in 2018).
Different themes can be tackled on the basis of this book – best is to make a focused choice and have 2 themes at a time.☺)

You can ask for a 30-45 minutes presentation or a larger and/or interactive masterclass where participants work in groups for certain results after a presentation. We will work this out with you in relation to your goals, the expectations of the participants and the output needed.

The themes in general are:

  • Now what exactly is inclusion? What does it mean for daily work? After the introduction of expertise about this theme the participants observe their own situation and ask themselves: when is there inclusion or when does it fail? How inclusive are the teams they work with in daily practice?
  • Core arguments for inclusive leadersthip: how come that D&I have suddenly conquered such a big place in the agenda? Insights in the larger context in word and image.
  • Giving direction in a context full of diversity and complexity: what does inclusive leadership look like and what does it as of leaders and their surroundings? This theme is most relevant for a public that can influence the giving of direction themselves.
  • Exemplary behaviour: Beyond the Difference shows a fivepointed star of inclusive behaviour. This presentation is very useful also for colleagues who are not directly managers themselves but who do want to contribute. After the introduction of this star, participants can work on questions like: do I have exemplary behaviour in these five aspects and where does that show? Which of the five aspects are most important in my own working context?
  • Organise: managing the ten critical success factors for diversity & inclusion is not a simple thing. Nevertheless a lot of experience has now been gained. This theme leads to enthusiasm with all kinds of public. It can be made practical. And it can offer a framework for analysis to those who are seated on the chair that divides means like time and money. Concrete ideas in combination with the question to assess or prioritise the ten factors (with all participants together or in subgroups) lighten up your meeting to a lively event.

Seba cultuurmanagement bv
Nova Zemblastraat 89
1013RJ Amsterdam